Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Learning from the mirror

Met a person like me yesterday. The chance encounter was so stunning, have started disliking myself. Its a wonder how so many people liked me at all in the first place and grew close, it must have been their tolerance a lot more than my acceptability. I wouldn't have tolerated myself one single bit. A factual observation with no attached emotion, the encounter made me realize the age old flaws I have fostered. And they are numerous, but at the very least its a start, however late.

Things to do, based on and to balance out, my own excesses.

1. Do not talk. If you must, get to the point.

2. Every one has a level of tolerance, so don't push it.

3. Do not fantasize, it only leads to realization of ones deep rooted fears.

4. Harbouring expectations is tantamount to being selfish.

5. Be thankful for what you presently have, what you have been through is nothing more than what everyone else has undergone.

6. Remember always that you had made the choices which have put you in your current situation, even if they were made under compulsions. If you must, then blame yourself.

7. Do not compare or compete with anyone under any circumstance. There is neither any equality nor any platform to do so fairly.

8. Health is really important. Loneliness is no reason to seek illness. If you give attention to your own self with a sustained conscious effort, you will eventually learn to be comfortable being by yourself.

9. As hurtful as it may seem to a bloated ego, you simply aren't important. Life goes on just fine without you being a part of it. So understand that you are the needy one.

10. Usually, some kind of a need(presumed or real) dictates how we behave and act. So don't go around judging people for what they have or haven't done. Its always easy to second guess a past gone by from the comforts of the present.

Life teaches different things to different people and hence everyone's purpose of living differs. You have to find your own reason to live and do something. Knowledge is of no significance if it isn't used in some way or the other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hrishi......I love this......and your friends have all along seen this inside of you. If you can keep believing in all that you've said , man ....you'll be fun !!